What is Waste Plastic Recycling?
  • Jun 11, 2021
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What is waste plastic recycling?...

What is Waste Plastic Recycling?

(picture:What is Waste Plastic Recycling?)

  Waste plastic recycling is a clean technology to recycle waste plastic into liquid fuels, and dirty fuel into clean diesel. Our technology can deliver economic and environmental benefits by replacing refined fuels and diverting waste plastic from landfills.

  With our revolutionary waste plastic recycling technology, we pioneered a process that has the ability to change the way of traditional waste plastic processing, these waste plastic including paper mill waste, medical waste, MSW(Municipal Solid Waste)etc.

  Until now, we have installed waste plastic to oil pyrolysis projects in the world, such as Bulgaria, Thailand, Turkey, South Korea etc. The plastic like PP, PE, PS, ABS, HDPE etc all of them can be recycled to oil&carbon black and off-gases.

  This oil can be used as fuel oil to be burnt instead of furnace oil. After distillation this plastic fuel oil can be diesel, the color is pure and it can be used in the diesel vehicles and generators, such as truck, tractor, farm machinery, road machinery etc.

Pyrolysis oil

  The carbon black is a carbonaceous solid produced as the result of the carbon cracking process. Because of its high BTU(British Thermal Unit)value, the highest industry usage of carbon black is by steel manufacturers who use it to fire their blast furnaces. Waste plastic recycling produces carbon black through the recycling process and will be seeking a BUD(Beneficial Use Determination)to sell this product to end-users.

  Off-gases: Approximately 10-12% of the output of the waste plastic recycling process is a range of off-gases, including butane, propane and hydrogen. We Huayin company utilizes these off-gases to run the plastic recycling processor.

  In the race to produce usable fuels from waste products, waste plastic recycling has overcome significant barriers and stands alone with the unprecedented simplicity of its solution. We are committed to building a company dedicated to a greener, cleaner future for the planet.

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