Pyrolysis Machine was Delivered to Chile
  • Jul 13, 2021
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On 13 July, 2021 Huayin delivered the reactor and foundation to Chile....

Pyrolysis Machine was Delivered to Chile

(picture:Pyrolysis Machine was Delivered to Chile)

  On July 13, 2021 Huayin delivered the reactor and foundation of the pyrolysis plant to Chile.

Pyrolysis Machine was Delivered to Chile

  The company that placed this order is a consulting company that helps customers do projects. The raw material that this client wants to process is not ordinary waste materials like waste tyres or plastics. It is a kind of scrap liner used in mines. The purpose of the customer is to get the iron on the liner and remove the rubber in it. The rubber content is also minimal. This client uses pyrolysis technology to remove the rubber. Each piece of the used liner is 500kg, and the client requires automatically feeding and discharging. We adopt the working principle of the animal incinerator to realize automatic feeding and slag discharging. At the same time, the furnace does not rotate. In order to extend the service life of the pyrolysis machine, we also used a hot air heating system. As the required fully automatic control of the client, this plant was equipped with a PLC system. Customers could control the whole process automatically.

Pyrolysis Machine was Delivered to Chile

  Huayin will give you the suitable solution to help you solve problems, and also customize the unique technical solutions for you.

  Because of the pandemic, customers have no way to inspect the factory, but with the professionalism of Huayin and the feedback from other customers, we got the trust of this customer. The machine was shipped today. From designing, quotation to production, after-sales and sea transportation plan, Huayin will help you to make the right choices.

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