Can the Waste Gas from Tyre Pyrolysis Process be Discharged into the Air?
  • Dec 22, 2022
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Can the waste gas from the tire pyrolysis process be discharged into the air?...

Can the Waste Gas from Tyre Pyrolysis Process be Discharged into the Air?

(picture:Can the Waste Gas from Tyre Pyrolysis Process be Discharged into the Air?)

  There will be three kinds of gases produced in the pyrolysis process: oil gas, exhaust gas, and flue gas. The oil gas will be condensed into oil through the condensation system and enter the oil tank, and what about the exhaust gas and flue gas?

  Part of the oil gas was condensed into oil during the production process of the tire pyrolysis plant, and the remaining small amount of non-condensable gas is the exhaust gas. The exhaust gas is purified by a specially equipped gas purification system, it is mainly used to remove hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances in the gas. This is the exhaust gas purification process.

  The flue gas generated during the pyrolysis process will be treated by a special flue gas purification device-the desulfurization and denitration tower. The flue gas is dispersed through the fillers, and the high-pressure nozzle sprays water mist-containing catalysts, which can remove various pollutants in the flue gas so that their content is within the requirements of national environmental protection standards. Therefore, the gas generated during tire pyrolysis can be discharged into the air.

  Huayin pyrolysis plant was equipped with different configurations of purification devices that could meet the different emission standards. Our domestic and overseas customers are all obtained the related licenses. If you are interested in the tire pyrolysis business, please contact us!

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