Oil Distillation Plant was Delivered to Nigeria
  • Mar 02, 2023
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The oil distillation plant was loaded at Huayin factory and it will be delivered to Nigeria....

Oil Distillation Plant was Delivered to Nigeria

(picture:Oil Distillation Plant was Delivered to Nigeria)

  On the first day of March, we delivered the frame part of the cooling system, and on the second day we delivered the reactor.

distillation plant  (2)

  This customer is in the petrol business, so he is very familiar with oil distillation. After visiting three suppliers, he chose Huayin. Our modular design distillation plant attracted his interest. The majority part of the distillation machine was pre-assembled before the delivery. So when the machine arrives, it just needs to supply the water and electricity and connect the pipelines.

  After distillation process, he can get oil with better color and quality. The modular designed machine also saves the costs of transportation, installation, and operation.

  Huayin has 30 years of experience in waste recycling projects. If you want to learn more about the pyrolysis business and distillation business, please contact us!

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