Information shared by Engineer from Mexico
  • Jul 13, 2023
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Production information was shared by Huayin technical engineer Mr. Guo from Mexico....

Information shared by Engineer from Mexico

(picture:Information shared by Engineer from Mexico)

  This Mexican customer bought one set of ten-ton Model C pyrolysis plant, here are the photos from Huayin's technical engineer Mr Guo at the customer's factory.


  This customer processes both plastic waste and used tires. This is the waste plastic that was tested during the local guidance of our technician. It was from the car fuel tank, the oil rate is 95% and surprisingly there is almost no residue in the furnace after pyrolyzed. This saves much time and effort for slag removal. The oil quality is also very good.



  Huayin has 30 years of pyrolysis experience, and Huayin technical engineers are installing around the world to help customers dispose of waste and bring profits to them. We will always use our professional technology and services to bring green solutions to our customers.

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