How to Arrange A Waste Tire Pyrolysis Factory Reasonably?
  • Sep 27, 2023
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How to arrange a waste tire refinery reasonably?...

How to Arrange A Waste Tire Pyrolysis Factory Reasonably?

(picture:How to Arrange A Waste Tire Pyrolysis Factory Reasonably?)

The production workshop of the waste tire refinery is divided into a cracking area, oil tank area, loading and unloading area, raw material area, carbon black deep processing area, steel wire storage area, etc. according to the production process and material flow. The production equipment in the workshop is arranged reasonably according to the production process, to minimize the process and reduce costs as much as possible. The office area and machine repair room are in the comprehensive office building. The roads and restrooms are in the public areas. Electronic scales are used for carbon black and steel wire. Each production unit is arranged according to the process flow to shorten the workpiece transfer time and improve production efficiency.

During the production period of the pyrolysis project, the noise should meet the local requirements, and the impact on the surroundings is controllable and relatively small. To avoid the impact of odor, raw and auxiliary material storage areas can be divided into the workshop, and temporary waste storage areas can be set up to effectively reduce the impact on the environment.


  The main environmental risk of the waste tire pyrolysis project is abnormal emissions caused by the failure of waste gas treatment facilities; The raw material storage area and finished products area are the main risk sources of fire accidents. Therefore, we suggest that pyrolysis factories strengthen the maintenance of waste gas treatment facilities and refrain from production if the exhaust system cannot function properly; There is sufficient safety distance between the raw material storage area and the finished products area. It is recommended to avoid kindling materials and high heat in the raw materials and finished products storage areas.

  When planning the site for our clients, we have taken into account the impact of multiple factors.  Our sales and technical teams will communicate with you in detail regarding your factory and regional restrictions. The overall layout of each functional area in the workshop is reasonable, with clear levels of layout and smooth logistics. After considering the environmental factors in the construction project area and making changes, the overall layout of the factory area is relatively reasonable.

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