How Much Does it Cost to Invest in a Tire Pyrolysis Project?
  • Dec 28, 2023
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How much does it cost to invest in a tire pyrolysis project?...

How Much Does it Cost to Invest in a Tire Pyrolysis Project?

(picture:How Much Does it Cost to Invest in a Tire Pyrolysis Project?)

  One is tire pyrolysis plant investment. Waste tire pyrolysis is a complete production line that may require pre-treatment equipment such as tire-cutting machines and tire shredders. In addition, it also includes core equipment such as auto-feeder, pyrolysis reactor, condenser, and environmental dust removal device. The purchase cost of these pieces of equipment generally depends on the specifications.

  The second is the cost of engineering construction. You may need to build production infrastructure such as workshops, office buildings, and warehouses. In addition, electrical, water supply, sewage treatment and other supporting projects may also required. The construction cost must be calculated based on the actual local cost.

  The third is the initial operating expenses. After purchasing pyrolysis plant for installation and debugging, there is also a certain initial operating cost, including workers' wages, raw material costs, electricity costs, management expenses, etc.

  The fourth is capital turnover expenses. During a period after production, the sales revenue of the product cannot immediately offset the production costs and requires certain capital turnover support. This also requires an additional investment of funds.

  The fifth is the cost of compliance certification. Applying for licenses related to cracking projects and processing production license procedures also requires a certain fee.

  If it is to build a small and medium-sized pyrolysis factory that can process 20000 tons of waste tires annually, based on the above considerations, the total investment in China needs to be around 10 million yuan. Among them, equipment investment accounts for about 20%, land, factory buildings, and engineering construction account for about 50%, initial operation, and capital turnover account for about 15%, environmental protection equipment investment accounts for about 10%, and certification costs account for about 5%. The actual investment amount still needs to be estimated based on site selection and equipment selection. Our sales manager will conduct project analysis for you based on your situation.

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