Problems You May Encounter in Used Tire Pyrolysis Project
  • Jan 19, 2024
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Common problems and preventive measures of pyrolysis project for your reference. ...

Problems You May Encounter in Used Tire Pyrolysis Project

(picture:Problems You May Encounter in Used Tire Pyrolysis Project)

  Some problems may occur during the tire pyrolysis process. To ensure the smooth and stable operation of the waste tire pyrolysis plant, we summarized several common problems and preventive measures based on customer actual operations and years of experience for your reference.

  1. Low oil output rate

  The oil output rate of waste tires is 40% to 45% normally. However, suppose the temperature is not strictly controlled, in that case, the oil gas cannot be completely converted into oil, and the exhaust gas will also greatly increase, which will cause a waste of resources. Therefore, pyrolysis equipment operators must undergo training before taking up their posts and strictly controlling the temperature.

  2. Long pyrolysis time

  Under normal circumstances, the pyrolysis time of waste tires is about 8 hours, but if the water content of the tire is too high, the pyrolysis time will reach 10 hours or longer. Due to water needing to be evaporated in the early stage of pyrolysis, so waste tires can be dried before feeding, which can reasonably save time.


  3:Black smoke

  During the pyrolysis process, there may be thick smoke and a pungent odor, mainly due to the lack of environmental protection devices. Huayin is equipped with different configurations of dust removal systems, which can handle 99.9% of the smoke reasonably, and there is no pollution generated during the entire pyrolysis process.

  We will arrange for experienced technicians to your factory to install the pyrolysis machine, train workers, and debug equipment. If you encounter any problems later on, feel free to contact us, and our sales manager and technical person will help to solve them. Buying Huayin pyrolysis plant allows you to have no worries.

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