Precautions of Pyrolysis Project (3)
  • Nov 18, 2021
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Precautions and maintenance methods of Huayin pyrolysis plant....

Precautions of Pyrolysis Project (3)

(picture:Precautions of Pyrolysis Project (3))

  Maintenance methods of tyre pyrolysis plant after operation

  1. Regularly overhaul and maintain equipment, dredge oil and gas pipes and condenser pipes;

  2. Regularly check whether the amount of oil in the lubrication pump oil tank and the engine base oil tank is sufficient to ensure the reliability of the lubrication system and lubricate the moving parts;

  3. Regularly check whether the tugs, bearings, and gears are running normally, and add lubricating oil for lubrication;

  4. Regularly clean the oil filter to see if there is carbon black agglomeration and blockage. If there is blockage, it should be cleaned or replaced immediately.

Precautions of Pyrolysis Project

  It will be better if equipment management file can be established to archive information about equipment failure records, test records, repair parts replacement records, spare parts consumption, etc. This would help you to grasp the equipment status in real time and avoid affecting the progress of the factory.

  Huayin has 28 years experience in waste tyres and plastics recycling project, we have strict standards for the selection of equipment materials and quality control. If you have any interest, feel free to contact us!

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