How Much Oil You Can Get from One Ton Waste Oil?
  • Dec 10, 2021
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How much oil you can get from one ton waste oil?...

How Much Oil You Can Get from One Ton Waste Oil?

(picture:How Much Oil You Can Get from One Ton Waste Oil?)

  About 4L of used engine oil replaced every time in a car maintenance. But is there any good solution of waste engine oil? The answer is yes. Not only can we refine waste engine oil into diesel used as fuel. It is profitable and will not cause environmental pollution. There are waste oil distillation plant on the market for the recovery and refining of waste engine oil. The process includes high-temperature distillation, condensed into oil, exhaust gas purification, color&smell removal, and flue gas treatment. After refining you can get clean, bright-colored light fuel diesel oil. The process of recycling waste engine oil is highly automated. It is not only easy to operate, but also safe, energy saving and environmental friendly.

  Is it worth to invest in? To a certain extent, this also depends on whether the distillation technology of the refining equipment is mature. The oil yield is about 85%-90% for a high quality machine with mature refining technology, which means that one ton of waste engine oil can be refined 0.85 to 0.9 tons of diesel. So it is important to choose a reliable manufacturer!

  Huayin focus on waste recycling since 1993, our machine is high efficiency, safe and with competitive price. If you need oil distillation machine, we could customize the equipment for you!

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