Six Sets Pyrolysis and Distillation Machine were Delivered to Australia.
  • Dec 13, 2021
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On December 8, 2021 Huayin delivered four sets pyrolysis plants and two sets oil distillation plants to Australia....

Six Sets Pyrolysis and Distillation Machine were Delivered to Australia.

(picture:Six Sets Pyrolysis and Distillation Machine were Delivered to Australia.)

  On December 8, 2021 Huayin delivered four sets pyrolysis plants and two sets oil distillation plants to Australia.

Australia delivery (1)

  Before delivery we went to our factory for the preparation. Checking list of items with factory director, posting number plates, and recording the name plates to make the items list clear and easy for customer to check. In case of damage or loss, the small parts are packed into containers or wrapped by plastic straps and wooden blocks.

Australia delivery (2)

  It took three days for delivery. Our sales manager was in factory for supervising during the whole delivery process.

  This is the view from a drone, taking a look of these beautiful moments!

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