How to Deal with the Wastes after Tyre Pyrolysis Process?
  • Sep 22, 2022
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How to deal with the wastes after used tyre pyrolysis process?...

How to Deal with the Wastes after Tyre Pyrolysis Process?

(picture:How to Deal with the Wastes after Tyre Pyrolysis Process?)

  The final products of waste tyre pyrolysis are tire oil, carbon black and steel wire. The pyrolysis technology is heating the used tyres in the reactor and then the tyres undergo a cracking reaction, the rubber component reacts to produce oil and gas, and the carbon black is precipitated. After the oil gas is discharged from the furnace, it enters the condenser and condensed into liquid oil, which is then collected into the oil storage tank. After the pyrolysis process is completed, open the furnace door and clean out the carbon black and steel wire in it.

  1. Exhaust gas.

  Through the safety device water seal and gas nozzle full combustion, not only eliminates the gas pollution but also saves a lot of fuel; smoke and dust emissions are used in desulfurization and de-sulfurization devices, so it can reach the air pollutant emission standards of different countries.

  2. Waste liquid.

  In the process of oil treatment, some waste water with weak acidity will be produced(about 50 kg of waste water will be produced for every 1 ton of oil produced, the amount is small and easy to treat). After neutralization by adding a weak alkali solution, the neutral wastewater is filtered through three stages to achieve harmless treatment.

  3. Waste solids.

  After the waste tyre pyrolysis, there will be some solid residues, the main component of which is crude carbon black. It can be further processed as a raw material for the production of industrial carbon black, or it can be made into briquettes for combustion.

huayin pyrolysis plant1

  Huayin waste tyre pyrolysis equipment meets the requirements of the environmental protection department, and it will not pollute the environment. We have nearly 30 years of waste tyre and plastic to oil pyrolysis experience and project operation experience. Please contact us if you’re interested in the pyrolysis project.

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