Pyrolysis Plants Delivery Day
  • Oct 10, 2022
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On Oct 8th, 2022 Huayin delivered pyrolysis plants to Ukraine and Poland....

Pyrolysis Plants Delivery Day

(picture:Pyrolysis Plants Delivery Day)

  On Oct 8th, Huayin Delivered one set of 4-ton F4000 pyrolysis plant to Ukraine and one set of 10-ton Model C pyrolysis plant to Poland.

  This is F4000 pyrolysis plant, it's an installation-free design pyrolysis machine. It can process 4ton used tyres or plastic wastes per batch and fit in two 40HC containers. All the parts are pre-assembled in frame structure while delivered. So there will be no extra cost to pay for installation! It is also very easy to operate, two workers are enough.

  This is 10-ton Model C pyrolysis plant. It's our hot-selling model. Please contact us if you want to learn more about Huayin factory and our pyrolysis machine!

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  • Capacity model: 1Ton-15Ton
  • Raw materials: Waste Tyre/rubber
  • Average out-put oil rate: 45% fuel oil, 30% carbon black, 10% steel wire, 10%-15% syngas
  • Capacity model: 1Ton-15Ton
  • Raw materials: waste tyres/waste rubber
  • Output: 45% fuel oil, 30% carbon black, 10% steel wire, 10%-15% syngas
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  • Raw materials: waste tyres/waste rubber
  • Output: 45% fuel oil, 30% carbon black, 10% steel wire, 10%-15% syngas
  • Capacity model: 1Ton-15Ton
  • Raw materials: waste plastic
  • Output: fuel oil, carbon black, syngas
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