The Ratio of Each Product After Tire Pyrolysis
  • Oct 19, 2022
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The ratio of each product after the tire pyrolysis process....

The Ratio of Each Product After Tire Pyrolysis

(picture:The Ratio of Each Product After Tire Pyrolysis)

  1. Fuel oil: the proportion of fuel oil you can get from different tires is different. Normally, the oil rate of steel wire tires is greater than that of nylon tires, and the oil rate of large car tires is better than that of small car tires and electric car tires, motorcycle tires, etc. The ratio of oil yield roughly ranges from 35%-50%.

  2. Carbon black: the proportion of carbon black output and quality also according to different tires and there are relatively large differences. The steel wire tires do not have the high carbon black content of nylon tires, and the carbon black output ratio range is normally more than 30%.

  3. Steel wire: steel wire tires contain a certain proportion of steel wire, usually the more serious tire wear, the higher proportion of steel wire in the overall materials. Usually, the proportion of steel wire you got is about 10%.

  4. Combustible gas: the proportion of different tire additives and types will affect the final generated gas ratio. Usually, the proportion is 8%-15%.

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